@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
require ( 'dotenv' ) . config ( ) ;
const Discord = require ( "discord.js" ) ;
const Intents = Discord . Intents ;
const client = new Discord . Client ( {
partials : [ "MESSAGE" , "CHANNEL" , "REACTION" ] ,
} ) ;
const fetch = require ( "node-fetch" ) ;
const axios = require ( "axios" ) ;
const userScore = require ( "./mongooseModels/mongooseUserScoreModel.js" ) ;
const generatedRound = require ( "./mongooseModels/mongooseGeneratedRoundModel.js" ) ;
const mongoose = require ( "mongoose" ) ;
const gitlog = require ( "gitlog" ) . default ;
const config = require ( "./config.json" ) ;
const decode = require ( 'html-entities' ) . decode ;
const userScore = require ( "./models/userScore" ) ;
const generatedRound = require ( "./models/generateRound" ) ;
const config = require ( "./config.json" ) ;
const helpMessage = "AwesomeSciBo has migrated to using slash commands! You can take a look at the different commands by typing `/` and clicking on the AwesomeSciBo icon."
const slashCommands = require ( './slashCommands.json' )
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ client.on("guildCreate", (guild) => {
} ) ;
client . on ( "guildDelete" , guild => {
client . on ( "guildDelete" , ( ) => {
const topggAuthHeader = {
headers : {
'Authorization' : config . topggauth
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ async function training(subject, interaction) {
. setDescription ( ` It seems your answer was incorrect. Please react with <:override:842778128966615060> to override your answer if you think you got it right. ` )
. setColor ( "#ffffff" )
. setTimestamp ( ) ;
const overrideMsg = answerMsg . channel . send ( {
answerMsg . channel . send ( {
embeds : [ overrideEmbed ]
} )
. then ( overrideMsg => {
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ async function training(subject, interaction) {
filter ,
max : 1
} )
. then ( ( userReaction ) => {
. then ( ( ) => {
updateScore ( true , score , authorId ) . then ( ( msgToReply ) =>
answerMsg . reply ( msgToReply )
) ;
@ -237,71 +237,6 @@ function sendHelpMessage(interaction) {
interaction . reply ( { embeds : [ helpEmbed ] } ) ;
async function startScoring ( message ) {
let scoreA = 0 ;
let scoreB = 0 ;
await message . channel
. send ( ` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` )
. then ( ( scoreboard ) => {
const filter = ( m ) => m . content . includes ( "do be" ) ;
const collector = message . channel . createMessageCollector ( filter , {
time : 1500000 ,
} ) ;
collector . on ( "collect" , ( m ) => {
if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "/scoring a 4" ) {
// A team gets toss-up
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
scoreA += 4 ;
scoreboard . channel . send (
` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } `
) ;
} else if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "/scoring a 10" ) {
// A team gets bonus
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
scoreA += 10 ;
scoreboard . channel . send (
` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } `
) ;
} else if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "/scoring b 4" ) {
// B team gets toss up
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
scoreB += 4 ;
scoreboard . channel . send (
` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } `
) ;
} else if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "/scoring b 10" ) {
// B team gets bonus
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
scoreB += 10 ;
scoreboard . channel . send (
` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } `
) ;
} else if ( m . content === "/scoring stop" ) {
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
scoreboard . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
m . channel . send (
` **FINAL SCORE:** \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } `
) ;
collector . stop ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function dontWorryBeHappy ( message ) {
message . channel . send (
new Discord . MessageEmbed ( )
. setTitle ( ` Don't Worry Be Happy! ` )
. setImage ( "https://media.giphy.com/media/7OKC8ZpTT0PVm/giphy.gif" )
. setURL ( "https://youtu.be/d-diB65scQU" )
. setColor ( "#ffffff" )
) ;
function showServerNumber ( message ) {
message . channel . send ( client . guilds . cache . size ) ;
function showLeaderboard ( interaction ) {
let messageContent = "" ;
@ -379,44 +314,44 @@ async function rounds(action, interaction) {
if ( action === "generate" ) {
let i ;
let finalizedHTML = '<html><head><link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com"><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Ubuntu&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> </head><body style="width: 70%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><h2 style="text-align: center; text-decoration: underline overline; padding: 7px;">ROUND GENERATED BY AWESOMESCIBO USING THE SCIBOWLDB API</h2>' ;
let tossup_question ;
let question_category ;
let tossup_format ;
let tossup_answer ;
let bonus_question ;
let bonus_format ;
let bonus_answer ;
let htmlContent = "" ;
await axios . post ( "https://scibowldb.com/api/questions" , { categories : [ "BIOLOGY" , "PHYSICS" , "CHEMISTRY" , "EARTH AND SPACE" , "ASTRONOMY" , "MATH" ] } )
. then ( ( response ) => {
for ( i = 1 ; i < 26 ; i ++ ) {
data = response . data . questions [ Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * response . data . questions . length ) ] ;
tossup_question = data . tossup_question ;
tossup_answer = data . tossup_answer ;
question_category = data . category ;
tossup_format = data . tossup_format ;
bonus_question = data . bonus_question ;
bonus_answer = data . bonus_answer ;
bonus_format = data . bonus_format ;
htmlContent = ` <br><br><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>TOSS-UP</strong></h3> \n <br> ` + ` ${ i } ) <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ tossup_format } </em> ` + " " + tossup_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + tossup_answer + "<br>" ;
htmlContent += ` <br><br><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>BONUS</strong></h3> \n <br> ` + ` ${ i } ) <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ bonus_format } </em> ` + " " + bonus_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + bonus_answer + "<br><br><hr><br>" ;
htmlContent = htmlContent . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
finalizedHTML += htmlContent ;
let tossup_question ;
let question_category ;
let tossup_format ;
let tossup_answer ;
let bonus_question ;
let bonus_format ;
let bonus_answer ;
let htmlContent = "" ;
await axios . post ( "https://scibowldb.com/api/questions" , { categories : [ "BIOLOGY" , "PHYSICS" , "CHEMISTRY" , "EARTH AND SPACE" , "ASTRONOMY" , "MATH" ] } )
. then ( ( response ) => {
for ( i = 1 ; i < 26 ; i ++ ) {
data = response . data . questions [ Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * response . data . questions . length ) ] ;
tossup_question = data . tossup_question ;
tossup_answer = data . tossup_answer ;
question_category = data . category ;
tossup_format = data . tossup_format ;
bonus_question = data . bonus_question ;
bonus_answer = data . bonus_answer ;
bonus_format = data . bonus_format ;
htmlContent = ` <br><br><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>TOSS-UP</strong></h3> \n <br> ` + ` ${ i } ) <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ tossup_format } </em> ` + " " + tossup_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + tossup_answer + "<br>" ;
htmlContent += ` <br><br><h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>BONUS</strong></h3> \n <br> ` + ` ${ i } ) <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ bonus_format } </em> ` + " " + bonus_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + bonus_answer + "<br><br><hr><br>" ;
htmlContent = htmlContent . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
finalizedHTML += htmlContent ;
newGeneratedRound = new generatedRound ( {
htmlContent : finalizedHTML ,
requestedBy : interaction . user . id ,
authorTag : interaction . user . tag ,
timestamp : new Date ( ) . toISOString ( ) ,
} ) ;
newGeneratedRound . save ( ( err , round ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( err ) ;
return ;
newGeneratedRound = new generatedRound ( {
htmlContent : finalizedHTML ,
requestedBy : interaction . user . id ,
authorTag : interaction . user . tag ,
timestamp : new Date ( ) . toISOString ( ) ,
} ) ;
newGeneratedRound . save ( ( err , round ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( err ) ;
return ;
interaction . reply ( ` Here's your round: https://api.adawesome.tech/round/ ${ round . _ id . toString ( ) } ` , { ephemeral : true } ) ;
} ) ;
interaction . reply ( ` Here's your round: https://api.adawesome.tech/round/ ${ round . _ id . toString ( ) } ` , { ephemeral : true } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( action === "list" ) {
let rounds = await generatedRound . find ( { requestedBy : interaction . user . id } ) . sort ( { timestamp : - 1 } ) ;
let finalMessage = "" ;