@ -25,26 +25,26 @@ async function startScoring(message) { |
const filter = m => m.content.includes('do be'); |
const collector = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, { time: 1500000 }); |
collector.on('collect', m => { |
if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring a 4") { |
m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); |
if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "$score a+4") { |
//m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error);
scoreA += 4; |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`); |
} else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring a 10") { |
m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`).catch(console.error); |
} else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "$score a+10") { |
//m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error);
scoreA += 10; |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`); |
} else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring b 4") { |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`).catch(console.error); |
} else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "$score b+4") { |
m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); |
scoreB += 4; |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`); |
} else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring b 10") { |
m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`).catch(console.error); |
} else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "$score b+10") { |
//m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error);
scoreB += 10; |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`); |
scoreboard.channel.send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`).catch(console.error); |
} else if (m.content === "do be scoring stop") { |
m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); |
//m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error);
scoreboard.delete({ timeout: 1000 }); |
m.channel.send(`**FINAL SCORE:**\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`); |
m.channel.send(`**FINAL SCORE:**\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`).catch(console.error); |
collector.stop(); |
} |
}); |