const axios = require('axios'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const decode = require('html-entities').decode; const { testingGuild } = require('../helpers/env'); module.exports = { name: 'messageCreate', once: false, async execute(message) { if ( || != testingGuild) return; if (message.content.startsWith('!q')) { const questionId = message.content.split(' ')[1]; axios .get(`${questionId}`) .then((res) => { const data =; const tossupQuestion = data.tossup_question; const tossupAnswer = data.tossup_answer; let answers = tossupAnswer.split(' (ACCEPT: '); if (answers.length > 1) { answers[1] = answers[1].slice(0, answers[1].length - 1); // If there are multiple elements, it means there was an 'accept' and therefore a trailing ')' which should be removed answers = [answers[0], ...answers[1].split(new RegExp(' OR ', 'i'))]; // Use the first element plus the last element split by 'OR' case insensitive } const dataEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle('Data') .setDescription(`\`\`\`json\n${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}\`\`\``); message.reply({ content: decode(tossupQuestion) + `\n\nAnswers: [${answers}]`, embeds: [dataEmbed], }); }); } }, };