A simple Discord bot that automatically generates Science Bowl rounds using the ScibowlDB API!
## Deployment Deploying this bot to your Discord server is relatively simple: you can add it to your own server by using [this link](https://adat.link/awesomescibo). ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/ADawesomeguy/AwesomeSciBo/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Installation There are basically two ways to install it: ### Method 1 (Node): After cloning the repository, dependencies can be installed with `yarn` or `npm i`. The bot can then be compile to JavaScript with `yarn tsc` or `npx tsc`, and will be deployed in the `built/` directory. Finally, the bot can be run by entering said directory and running `./index.js` or `node index.js`. ### Method 2 (Docker): This bot has a Dockerfile within the repository which can be built using `docker build . -t [tag]`. Alternatively and preferably, the image can be taken from [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/adawesomeguy/awesomescibo). ## Usage This bot uses slash commands now :). You can just click on the bot icon after typing `/` to see a list of commands. ## Credit The bot was made by [@ADawesomeguy](https://github.com/ADawesomeguy). However, the API was made by [@CQCumbers](https://github.com/CQCumbers). Go give [his API](https://github.com/CQCumbers/ScibowlDB) a star, he totally deserves it!