#!/usr/bin/env node import * as Discord from "discord.js"; import { execSync } from "child_process"; const client = new Discord.Client({ partials: ["MESSAGE", "CHANNEL", "REACTION"], }); import fetch from "node-fetch"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import axios from "axios"; import userScore from "./mongooseModels/mongooseUserScoreModel.js"; import {} from 'dotenv/config.js'; import mongoose from "mongoose"; const helpMessage = "`do be helping`: display this help message\n`do be roundgen`: send a pdf round to the channel\n`do be roundgen dm`: dm a pdf round to you\n`do be scoring`: start a scoring session\n > `do be scoring (a/b)(4/10)`: add points to Team A or Team B\n > `do be scoring stop`: end scoring session and post final points\n > `do be servers`: send the number of servers this bot is a part of\n > `do be iss`: show the current location of the International Space Station\n`do be training`: send a quick practice problem (you **must** react to your answer, or the bot will yell at you)\n > subject options: astro, phys, chem, math, bio, ess, energy\n`do be top`: list cross-server top 10 players\nSource Code: https://github.com/ADawesomeguy/AwesomeSciBo (don't forget to star!)"; client.once("ready", () => { mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI, {useUnifiedTopology: true, useNewUrlParser: true}).then(() => { console.log(client.user.username); client.user.setActivity( 'for "do be helping" | Add me to your own server: adat.link/awscibo', { type: "WATCHING" } ) }).catch(err => console.log(err)) }); client.on("guildCreate", (guild) => { guild.channels.cache .find((channel) => channel.name === "general" && channel.type === "text") .send("'Sup, I'm the AwesomeSciBo bot!") .catch(console.error); }); client.on("message", async (message) => { if (message.author.bot) { return; } const formattedMessage = message.content.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ""); if (formattedMessage.startsWith("dobe")) { switch (formattedMessage) { case "dobehelping": sendHelpMessage(); break; case "doberoundgen": generateRound(false); break; case "doberoundgendm": generateRound(true); break; case "dobescoring": startScoring(); break; case "dobetop": showLeaderboard(); break; case "dobehappy": dontWorryBeHappy(); break; case "dobeservers": showServerNumber(); break; case "dobeiss": showIssLocation(); break; default: otherCommands(); } } async function otherCommands() { if ( message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith("do be announcing") && message.author.id === process.argv[3] ) { const announcement = message.content.substring(17); client.guilds.cache.forEach((guild) => { const channel = guild.channels.cache.find( (channelGeneral) => channelGeneral.name === "general" ); if (channel) { if (channel.type === "text") { channel.send(announcement).catch(console.error); } } }); } else if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith("do be training")) { // BEGIN CHANGES if (message.content === "do be training") { axios.get("https://scibowldb.com/api/questions/random").then(data => { const messageAuthorFilter = (m) => m.author.id === message.author.id; message .reply(data.data.question.tossup_question) .then(() => { message.channel.awaitMessages(messageAuthorFilter, { max: 1, time: 30000, errors: ["time"], }); }) .then(resMessage => { const responseAuthorID = resMessage.first().author.id; }); }); } else { const subject = message.content.substring(15); let subjectURL; switch (subject) { case "astro": case "astronomy": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/astronomy.json`; break; case "bio": case "biology": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/biology.json`; break; case "ess": case "earth science": case "es": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/ess.json`; break; case "chem": case "chemistry": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/chemistry.json`; break; case "phys": case "physics": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/physics.json`; break; case "math": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/math.json`; break; case "energy": subjectURL = `https://moose.lcsrc.org/subjects/energy.json`; break; default: message.channel.send("Not a valid subject!"); return; } const authorId = message.author.id; fetch(subjectURL) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { const questionNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.length); const messageFilter = (m) => m.author.id === authorId; message.reply(data[questionNum].tossup_question).then(() => { message.channel .awaitMessages(messageFilter, { max: 1, time: 30000, errors: ["time"], }) .then((answerMsg) => { answerMsg = answerMsg.first(); const userDocScore = userScore.findOne({authorID: authorId}).select("score"); let score = userDocScore || 0; let predicted = null; if (data[questionNum].tossup_format === "Multiple Choice") { if ( answerMsg.content.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === data[questionNum].tossup_answer.charAt(0).toLowerCase() ) { predicted = "correct"; } else { predicted = "incorrect"; } } else { if ( answerMsg.content.toLowerCase() === data[questionNum].tossup_answer.toLowerCase() ) { predicted = "correct"; } else { predicted = "incorrect"; } } answerMsg.channel.send( `Correct answer: **${data[questionNum].tossup_answer}**. Predicted: **${predicted}**. Please react to your answer!` ); answerMsg.react("✅"); answerMsg.react("❌"); const reactionFilter = (reaction, user) => { return ( ["❌", "✅"].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === answerMsg.author.id ); }; answerMsg .awaitReactions(reactionFilter, { max: 1, time: 600000, errors: ["time"], }) .then(async (userReaction) => { const reaction = userReaction.first(); if (reaction.emoji.name === "❌") { answerMsg.reply(`nice try! Your score is now ${score.toString()}`); } else { score += 4; if (score == 4) { const newUserScore = new userScore({ authorID: authorId, score: score, }); newUserScore.save((err) => err ? console.log( "Error creating new user for scoring" ) : console.log( "Sucessfully created user to score." ) ); } else { const doc = await userScore.findOne({ authorID: authorId, }); doc.score = doc.score + 4; doc.save(); } answerMsg.reply(`nice job! Your score is now ${score.toString()}`); } }) .catch((collected) => {}); }) .catch((collected, error) => { message.reply("\n**ANSWER TIMEOUT**"); }); }); }) .catch(console.error); } } else { if (formattedMessage.startsWith("dobescoring" || "dobetraining")) { return; } message.channel.send( "That didn't quite make sense! Please use `do be helping` to see the available commands." ); } } async function sendHelpMessage() { message.channel.send( new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle("Help").setDescription(helpMessage) ); } async function generateRound(isDM) { fs.writeFile("index.html", "

Here's your round!

", (error) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); let i; let generatingMsg = await message.channel.send("Generating..."); for (i = 1; i < 26; i++) { let tossup_question; let question_category; let tossup_format; let tossup_answer; let bonus_question; let bonus_format; let bonus_answer; let htmlContent = ""; await fetch("https://scibowldb.com/api/questions/random") .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { tossup_question = data.question.tossup_question; tossup_answer = data.question.tossup_answer; question_category = data.question.category; tossup_format = data.question.tossup_format; bonus_question = data.question.bonus_question; bonus_answer = data.question.bonus_answer; bonus_format = data.question.bonus_format; htmlContent = `

${i}. Tossup\n

` + `${question_category}` + " " + `${tossup_format}` + " " + tossup_question + "

" + "ANSWER: " + tossup_answer + "

"; htmlContent += "


" + `${question_category}` + " " + `${bonus_format}` + " " + bonus_question + "

" + "ANSWER: " + bonus_answer + "

"; htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(/\n/g, "
"); fs.appendFile("index.html", htmlContent, (error) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); }); } if (generatingMsg) { generatingMsg.delete({ timeout: 100 }).catch(console.error); } execSync( "curl --request POST --url https://localhost:3136/convert/html --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --form files=@index.html -o round.pdf", { encoding: "utf-8" } ); if (isDM) { client.users.cache .get(message.author.id) .send( new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Here's your round!") .attachFiles("round.pdf") ) .catch(() => message.reply( "Unable to DM you! Make sure DMs from server members are allowed." ) ); } else { message.channel.send( new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Here's your round!") .attachFiles("round.pdf") ); } } async function startScoring() { let scoreA = 0; let scoreB = 0; const scoreboard = await message.channel .send(`Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}`) .then((scoreboard) => { const filter = (m) => m.content.includes("do be"); const collector = message.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, { time: 1500000, }); collector.on("collect", (m) => { if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring a 4") { m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); scoreA += 4; scoreboard.channel.send( `Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}` ); } else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring a 10") { m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); scoreA += 10; scoreboard.channel.send( `Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}` ); } else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring b 4") { m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); scoreB += 4; scoreboard.channel.send( `Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}` ); } else if (m.content.toLowerCase() === "do be scoring b 10") { m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); scoreB += 10; scoreboard.channel.send( `Here's the score:\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}` ); } else if (m.content === "do be scoring stop") { m.delete({ timeout: 1000 }).catch(console.error); scoreboard.delete({ timeout: 1000 }); m.channel.send( `**FINAL SCORE:**\nTeam A: ${scoreA}\nTeam B: ${scoreB}` ); collector.stop(); } }); }); } async function dontWorryBeHappy() { message.channel.send( new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Don't Worry Be Happy!`) .setImage("https://media.giphy.com/media/7OKC8ZpTT0PVm/giphy.gif") .setURL("https://youtu.be/d-diB65scQU") ); } async function showServerNumber() { message.channel.send(client.guilds.cache.size); } async function showIssLocation() { await fetch("http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json") .then((request) => request.json()) .then((data) => { message.channel.send( new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("The current location of the ISS!") .setImage( `https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/light-v10/static/pin-s+000(${data.iss_position.longitude},${data.iss_position.latitude})/-87.0186,20,1/1000x1000?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiYWRhd2Vzb21lZ3V5IiwiYSI6ImNrbGpuaWdrYzJ0bGYydXBja2xsNmd2YTcifQ.Ude0UFOf9lFcQ-3BANWY5A` ) .setURL("https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/tracking_map.cfm") ); }); } async function showLeaderboard() { let messageContent = ""; let scores = []; const directoryPath = path.join("userScore"); fs.readdir(directoryPath, function (err, files) { if (err) { return console.log("Unable to scan directory: " + err); } files.forEach(function (file) { scores.push( `${fs.readFileSync("userScore/" + file, "utf8")}|<@${file}>` ); }); const scoresFormatted = scores.sort(function (a, b) { return b.split("|")[0] - a.split("|")[0]; }); if (scores.length < 10) { message.channel.send("Not enough scores yet!"); return; } for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const currentScore = scoresFormatted[i].split("|"); messageContent += `${currentScore[1]}: ${currentScore[0]}\n\n`; } message.channel.send( new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Top Ten!") .setDescription(messageContent) ); }); } }); client .login(process.env.TOKEN) .catch((error) => console.log(error));