import * as Discord from 'discord.js' ;
import { execSync } from 'child_process' ;
const client = new Discord . Client ( { partials : [ 'MESSAGE' , 'CHANNEL' , 'REACTION' ] } ) ;
import fetch from 'node-fetch' ;
import * as fs from 'fs' ;
var hits = 0 ;
fs . readFile ( 'numhits.txt' , 'utf8' , function ( error , data ) {
hits = data ;
if ( error ) {
console . log ( error ) ;
} ) ;
client . once ( 'ready' , ( ) => {
console . log ( 'Ready!' ) ;
client . user . setActivity ( "for \"do be helping\"" , { type : "WATCHING" } ) ;
} ) ;
client . on ( 'guildCreate' , guild => {
guild . channels . cache . find ( channel => channel . name === 'general' ) . send ( "what is up peeps I am roundbutt" ) ;
} ) ;
client . on ( 'message' , async message => {
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be hits" ) {
message . channel . send ( hits ) ;
fs . writeFile ( 'numhits.txt' , hits , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === ( "do be helping" ) ) {
message . channel . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Help" ) . setDescription ( "`do be helping`: display this help message\n`do be roundgen html`: send a round to the channel\n`do be roundgen html dm`: dm a round to you\n`do be roundgen pdf`: send a pdf round to the channel\n`do be roundgen pdf dm`: dm a pdf round to you\n`do be scoring`: start a scoring session\n - `do be scoring (a/b)(4/10)`: add points to Team A or Team B\n - `do be scoring stop`: end scoring session and post final points\n`do be hits`: send the number of round requests" ) ) ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === ( "do be roundgen html dm" ) ) {
fs . writeFile ( 'round.html' , "<h1>Here's your round!</h1>" , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
var person = client . users . cache . get ( message . author . id ) ;
var i ;
let generatingMsg = await message . channel . send ( "Generating..." ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 26 ; i ++ ) {
var tossup_question ;
var question_category ;
var tossup_format ;
var tossup_answer ;
var bonus_question ;
var bonus_format ;
var bonus_answer ;
var htmlContent = "" ;
await fetch ( '' )
. then ( response => response . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
tossup_question = data . question . tossup_question ;
tossup_answer = data . question . tossup_answer ;
question_category = data . question . category ;
tossup_format = data . question . tossup_format ;
bonus_question = data . question . bonus_question ;
bonus_answer = data . question . bonus_answer ;
bonus_format = data . question . bonus_format ;
htmlContent = ` <br><br> ${ i } . Tossup \n <br><br> ` + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ tossup_format } </em> ` + " " + tossup_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + tossup_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent += "<br><br>Bonus\n<br><br>" + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ bonus_format } </em> ` + " " + bonus_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + bonus_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent = htmlContent . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
fs . appendFile ( 'round.html' , htmlContent , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
} ) ;
generatingMsg . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) { person . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Here's your round!" ) . attachFiles ( "round.html" ) ) ; } , 1000 ) ;
hits ++ ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === ( "do be roundgen html" ) ) {
fs . writeFile ( 'round.html' , "<h1>Here's your round!</h1>" , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
var i ;
let generatingMsg = await message . channel . send ( "Generating..." ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 26 ; i ++ ) {
var tossup_question ;
var question_category ;
var tossup_format ;
var tossup_answer ;
var bonus_question ;
var bonus_format ;
var bonus_answer ;
var htmlContent = "" ;
await fetch ( '' )
. then ( response => response . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
tossup_question = data . question . tossup_question ;
tossup_answer = data . question . tossup_answer ;
question_category = data . question . category ;
tossup_format = data . question . tossup_format ;
bonus_question = data . question . bonus_question ;
bonus_answer = data . question . bonus_answer ;
bonus_format = data . question . bonus_format ;
htmlContent = ` <br><br> ${ i } . Tossup \n <br><br> ` + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ tossup_format } </em> ` + " " + tossup_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + tossup_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent += "<br><br>Bonus\n<br><br>" + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ bonus_format } </em> ` + " " + bonus_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + bonus_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent = htmlContent . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
fs . appendFile ( 'round.html' , htmlContent , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
} ) ;
generatingMsg . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) { message . channel . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Here's your round!" ) . attachFiles ( "round.html" ) ) ; } , 1000 ) ;
hits ++ ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === ( "do be roundgen pdf dm" ) ) {
fs . writeFile ( 'index.html' , "<h1>Here's your round!</h1>" , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
var person = client . users . cache . get ( message . author . id ) ;
var i ;
let generatingMsg = await message . channel . send ( "Generating..." ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 26 ; i ++ ) {
var tossup_question ;
var question_category ;
var tossup_format ;
var tossup_answer ;
var bonus_question ;
var bonus_format ;
var bonus_answer ;
var htmlContent = "" ;
await fetch ( '' )
. then ( response => response . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
tossup_question = data . question . tossup_question ;
tossup_answer = data . question . tossup_answer ;
question_category = data . question . category ;
tossup_format = data . question . tossup_format ;
bonus_question = data . question . bonus_question ;
bonus_answer = data . question . bonus_answer ;
bonus_format = data . question . bonus_format ;
htmlContent = ` <br><br> ${ i } . Tossup \n <br><br> ` + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ tossup_format } </em> ` + " " + tossup_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + tossup_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent += "<br><br>Bonus\n<br><br>" + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ bonus_format } </em> ` + " " + bonus_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + bonus_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent = htmlContent . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
fs . appendFile ( 'index.html' , htmlContent , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
} ) ;
generatingMsg . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
var output = execSync ( "curl --request POST --url http://localhost:3136/convert/html --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --form files=@index.html -o round.pdf" , { encoding : 'utf-8' } ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) { person . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Here's your round!" ) . attachFiles ( "round.pdf" ) ) ; } , 1000 ) ;
hits ++ ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === ( "do be roundgen pdf" ) ) {
fs . writeFile ( 'index.html' , "<h1>Here's your round!</h1>" , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
var i ;
let generatingMsg = await message . channel . send ( "Generating..." ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < 26 ; i ++ ) {
var tossup_question ;
var question_category ;
var tossup_format ;
var tossup_answer ;
var bonus_question ;
var bonus_format ;
var bonus_answer ;
var htmlContent = "" ;
await fetch ( '' )
. then ( response => response . json ( ) )
. then ( data => {
tossup_question = data . question . tossup_question ;
tossup_answer = data . question . tossup_answer ;
question_category = data . question . category ;
tossup_format = data . question . tossup_format ;
bonus_question = data . question . bonus_question ;
bonus_answer = data . question . bonus_answer ;
bonus_format = data . question . bonus_format ;
htmlContent = ` <br><br> ${ i } . Tossup \n <br><br> ` + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ tossup_format } </em> ` + " " + tossup_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + tossup_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent += "<br><br>Bonus\n<br><br>" + ` <strong> ${ question_category } </strong> ` + " " + ` <em> ${ bonus_format } </em> ` + " " + bonus_question + "<br><br>" + "<strong>ANSWER:</strong> " + bonus_answer + "<br><br>" ;
htmlContent = htmlContent . replace ( /\n/g , "<br>" ) ;
fs . appendFile ( 'index.html' , htmlContent , ( error ) => { if ( error ) { console . log ( error ) ; } } ) ;
} ) ;
generatingMsg . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
var output = execSync ( "curl --request POST --url http://localhost:3136/convert/html --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --form files=@index.html -o round.pdf" , { encoding : 'utf-8' } ) ;
message . channel . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "Here's your round!" ) . attachFiles ( "round.pdf" ) ) ;
hits ++ ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be scoring" ) {
var scoreA = 0 ;
var scoreB = 0 ;
let scoreboard = await message . channel . send ( ` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` )
. then ( ( scoreboard ) => {
const filter = m => m . content . includes ( 'do be' ) ;
const collector = message . channel . createMessageCollector ( filter , { time : 1500000 } ) ;
collector . on ( 'collect' , m => {
if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be scoring a 4" ) {
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
scoreA += 4 ;
scoreboard . channel . send ( ` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` ) ;
} else if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be scoring a 10" ) {
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
scoreA += 10 ;
scoreboard . channel . send ( ` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` ) ;
} else if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be scoring b 4" ) {
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
scoreB += 4 ;
scoreboard . channel . send ( ` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` ) ;
} else if ( m . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be scoring b 10" ) {
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
scoreB += 10 ;
scoreboard . channel . send ( ` Here's the score: \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` ) ;
} else if ( m . content === "do be scoring stop" ) {
m . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
scoreboard . delete ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
m . channel . send ( ` **FINAL SCORE:** \n Team A: ${ scoreA } \n Team B: ${ scoreB } ` ) ;
collector . stop ( ) ;
} ) ;
} )
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be happy" ) {
message . channel . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( ` Don't Worry Be Happy! ` ) . setImage ( "" ) . setURL ( "" ) ) ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be servers" ) {
message . channel . send ( client . guilds . cache . size ) ;
if ( message . content . toLowerCase ( ) === "do be pog" ) {
message . channel . send ( new Discord . MessageEmbed ( ) . setTitle ( "POG POG POG" ) . setURL ( "" ) . setImage ( "" ) ) ;
/ * i f ( m e s s a g e . c o n t e n t . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) = = = " d o b e u s e r c h a n n e l c r e a t e " ) {
const userChannel = await message . guild . channels . create ( 'Users: ' + message . guild . memberCount , {
reason : 'Create channel to track number of users' ,
type : 'voice'
} )
. catch ( console . error ) ;
console . log ( userChannel . id ) ;
setInterval ( async ( ) => { await message . guild . channels . cache . get ( userChannel . id ) . setName ( 'Members: ' + message . guild . memberCount ) . catch ( console . error ) ; } , 10000 ) ;
} * /
} ) ;
client . login ( "BOT TOKEN HERE" ) ;