If you want to make a contribution to this bot, please make a [Pull Request](https://github.com/ADawesomeguy/AwesomeSciBo/pulls) with as much detail as you can. I'll take a look in my free time and see if it's worth adding. If not, I'll let you know what to do to *make* it worth adding!
There are two ways to install this on your own server: using npm and cloning this repository.
> Note: make sure you have `node` installed on your system. This varies from computer to computer, but make sure you have the right version installed. Generally, versions older than 12.X don't work properly.
To get started, run the command `do be helping` to get a list of commands. The more helpful commands will be the ones that generate packets, which are `do be roundgen pdf/html` and `do be roundgen pdf/html dm`.
> Note: if you plan to use PDF files, you must have `gotenberg` installed and running at `localhost:3136` (or change the `awesomescibo.mjs` script to point to a different location). You can find more info about that [here](https://github.com/thecodingmachine/gotenberg).
To create your own application and bot using the [Discord Developer Portal](https://discord.com/developers), go to the previous link and sign in. Then create a new application, and click bots on the left. Configure it to your liking, and then copy the token.
That's the most important part of your bot *and don't share it with anyone*.
The bot was made by [@ADawesomeguy](https://github.com/ADawesomeguy). However, the API was made by [@CQCumbers](https://github.com/CQCumbers). Go give [his API](https://github.com/CQCumbers/ScibowlDB) a star, he totally deserves it!